Lightning Mary | 拾書所

Lightning Mary

$ 249 元 原價 385


科學家 瑪麗·安寧

某個暴風雨夜,有一群村民們被雷電擊中,裡面唯一生存者是 瑪麗·安寧。瑪麗·安寧出生在資源貧瘠的多賽特郡岸邊。她經常跟著爸爸尋找被海浪掩沒的化石、古物、珍寶。不管村民嘲弄,瑪麗·安寧總是想盡辦法麼冒著危險帶回,賣給觀光客,補貼家用。當時,女子甚少有機會發展科學興趣,瑪麗·安寧收集化石的經驗轉為對地質與生物的興趣,她在未滿12歲時發現魚龍化石,並得到專業會報的刊載。最後,瑪莉安寧以無比的勇氣和對知識的渴求,成功當上一名女科學家。

Ordinary is what most people are and I am not. I am not ordinary at all. I am a scientist.

One stormy night, a group of villagers are struck by lightning. The only survivor is a baby - Mary Anning. From that moment on, a spark is lit within her.
Growing up poor but proud on the windswept Dorset coast, Mary follows after her father, hunting for fossils uncovered by waves and landslips: ancient creatures, turned to stone. Ignoring other people's taunts, Mary faces danger to bring back valuable treasures to help feed her family. But tragedy and despair is never far away. Mary must depend upon her unique courage and knowledge to fulfil her dream of becoming a scientist in a time when girls have no opportunities for such ambitions. What will happen when she makes her greatest discovery of all...?

With a factual section about Mary Anning, her life, and the discoveries she made.

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