Is it Really Nearly Christmas? | 拾書所

Is it Really Nearly Christmas?

$ 472 元 原價 715



Lucas和 Willow姐弟,湊著頭,挨著窗,看窗外滿天星斗、雪花飄落。姐弟倆快樂地聊著對聖誕節的想望和回憶。就在姐弟開心聊天之際,聖誕魔法已悄悄進行,她倆渾然不知,聖誕老公公早已駕著麋鹿雪橇,卸載禮物:獅子、大象、小木偶…,禮物們通力合作,一個踩著一個,疊羅漢爬進煙囪,無聲無息地溜下來…

得獎畫家Joyce Dunbar 傳神地捕捉孩子殷殷期盼的神韻,孩子看著空襪子露出期待微笑的可愛小動作。

'This isn't any old night, this is a magic night!'

A stunning picture book from a gifted storyteller and award-winning illustrator that perfectly captures the joy and anticipation of Christmas Eve.

There's only one more sleep till Christmas and Lucas and Willow, the moon and the stars are all waiting ... While they wait, the children remember everything they love about Christmas, but they don't notice that the magic has already begun ...

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