Presto and Zesto in Limboland | 拾書所

Presto and Zesto in Limboland

$ 399 元 原價 715


《野獸國》作者Maurice Sendak未發表的遺作,另一個狂放幽默的故事

這本書是由Maurice Sendak與多年的創作好友Arthur Yorinks一起合作的作品,改編自捷克童謠作品,加上兩人天馬行空的想像力,激發出這個為兩人友誼致敬的故事,而初階的故事架構,也被兩位好友暱稱為「甜菜根」的故事。

故事中的兩位主角好朋友,則是以Maurice Sendak與Arthur Yorinks兩人之間的情誼架構而成,主角Presto和Zesto為了甜菜根婚禮的禮物,需要過關斬將,兩人一同完成不同的任務。故事同樣不缺Sendak那特有的想像力與插圖,也是個讓人著迷的奇幻新作。

From Maurice Sendak, the unrivalled illustrator of Where The Wild Things Are, and long-time collaborator and friend Arthur Yorinks.

This never-before published tale is an imaginative romp through the world of Limboland. Two great friends – a friendship largely inspired by Maurice Sendak's and Arthur Yorkink's own – must brave a monster, a singing cow, and several berserk goats, to complete their quest. And the quest they're undertaking? To find a present in time for the wedding of the sugar beets!

The pair originally created this tale many years ago, and it has now been reworked by Arthur Yorinks as an ode to their 40-year friendship. With Maurice Sendak's jubilant illustrations and full of the wit and sheer imagination of this creative duo, this new publication is a song to friendship, creativity, and joy. With the classic Maurice Sendak cocktail of depth, spontaneity and humour, this unseen tale will delight fans of both creators.

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