The Grotlyn | 拾書所

The Grotlyn

$ 299 元 原價 385


小心!Grotlyn 出沒!   那天來的鯨魚班傑‧戴維斯 作品
Oliver Jeffers 和Jon Klassen的粉絲 歡迎來猜猜

小女孩Rubic端著燭台上樓,打算就寢睡覺,突然,一個聲調鑽進她腦海,從此忘不掉:「Grotlyn 深夜出沒家裡,無聲無息,看不到聽不到…」,這個調子繞梁多日,久久不散。根據其它受害者說明,Grotlyn出沒在陰暗的角落,牠會拖移男孩的長袍,偷走警察先生的短褲,還把把儲藏室的乳酪啃個精光!深夜蹦出,沿途驚嚇大家的Grotlyn到底是什麼呢? 

A stunning tale of mystery and suspense, from the bestselling author of THE STORM WHALE and GRANDAD'S ISLAND, read by Peter Capaldi. "I know when the Grotlyn's beenSlipping through your house unseen..." What is the mysterious Grotlyn? What sort of creature could it be, scuttling across the town, frightening everyone in its path? And why has it stolen PC Vickers' knickers?! A mysterious rhyming tale about things that go bump in the night for ages four and up, from picture book superstar, Benji Davies, winner of Oscar's First Book Prize 2014 and Sainsbury's Children's Book of the Year 2015. Perfect for fans of Oliver Jeffers and Jon Klassen.

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