Peep Inside a Fairy Tale: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs | 拾書所

Peep Inside a Fairy Tale: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

$ 495 元 原價 550


Usborne好評不斷的Peep Inside經典童話系列,這次要偷偷看一下白雪公主與七矮人的經典場景囉!

以精緻的雕花鏤空設計,搭配內頁的小翻頁設計,以14頁的篇幅,讓孩子認識經典童話故事《白雪公主》,書中巧妙搭配的層層景深視覺效果,更呼應了Peep Inside的系列精神,是大人小孩都會愛不釋手的精美童話書。

An enchantingly illustrated version of the classic fairy tale, with delicate cutaways and flaps to lift. Join Snow White as she meets the seven dwarfs, takes a poisoned apple from the wicked witch, and is saved by a prince. A delightful way to introduce children to this much-loved tale.

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