Iggy Peck's Big Project Book for Amazing Architects | 拾書所

Iggy Peck's Big Project Book for Amazing Architects

$ 399 元 原價 525


小男孩Iggy自小展現建築的天份,他會用尿布、膠水和別針建了座高塔,(媽媽看了好驚豔啊,但隨即退避三舍,因為尿布是髒的,臭死啦!),還會用黏土在花園砌了個人面獅身像,用水果堆疊成廟和教堂,甚至用派做出聖路易拱門電梯。升上小學後,卻遇到一個對高樓建築極度恐懼的老師。老師丟了所有建築的書,也禁止Iggy討論建築。Iggy的興趣被扼殺,覺得二年級生活真是糟透了。某天, 老師帶學生到郊外溪邊野餐,人行橋竟然崩塌, 過不了河,老師當場暈了過去。還好善於建築的Iggy 早就在腦海裡建構一座橋。他拿起老師的鞋帶,收集附近的樹枝、電線,蓋了一了座橋!老師安全過河,心想著,有什麼比建造夢想更重要的呢!

本系列由powerhouse團隊製作,支持STEM教育計畫(Science科學、 technology技術、engineering工程 、 mathematics數學),鼓勵所有對科技、理工懷有熱情的孩子。

Creativity meets curiosity and critical thinking in Iggy Peck’s Big Project Book for Amazing Architects, the new hands-on STEM project book from the #1 New York Times bestselling team behind Iggy Peck, Architect; Rosie Revere, Engineer; and Ada Twist, Scientist.

Iggy Peck has one passion: building. His parents are proud of his fabulous creations, though they’re sometimes surprised by his materials—who could forget the tower he built of dirty diapers? This empowering workbook book features art and the characters from the picture book Iggy Peck, Architect, and it will inspire young readers with activities of all kinds.
Iggy Peck takes readers through more than forty exciting STEM and design projects, from drafting and doodling to building and blueprints. Aspiring architects and young dreamers will get a sense of the unique mix of science, technology, and art skills used to create lasting structures. Packed with the same quirky humor and gorgeous illustrations that made Iggy Peck, Architect a favorite with kids, parents, and educators, the project book will appeal to fans who crave more from Miss Lila Greer’s clever class.
In this interactive activity book, kids will have the chance to:

Imagine a brand-new cityscape
Invent energy-saving gizmos
Design a dwelling on Mars
Draw a gargoyle
Build a bridge out of marshmallows and spaghetti
And much more!

Iggy Peck, Rosie Revere, and Ada Twist have earned their places among the most beloved children’s book characters, and they have inspired countless kids and adults to follow their dreams and passions. In Iggy Peck’s Big Project Book for Amazing Architects, the follow-up to Rosie Revere’s Big Project Book for Bold Engineers, kids will continue their STEM education and strengthen their spatial reasoning skills. Old fans and new readers alike will find inspiration and encouragement from everyone’s favorite precocious young architect, Iggy Peck.


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