The Neighbors | 拾書所

The Neighbors

$ 470 元 原價 595


小女孩住在七層公寓的頂樓,抵達家門前的路上,每經過一扇門,其相異的裝飾、氣味的聲響,彷若走入另一個場域。她開始依循線索,想像鄰居們家中的樣貌,繪本作家Einat Tsarfait以細緻筆畫勾勒奇幻場景,佐以巧妙畫面安排,打造虛實交錯的紙上劇場。跟著小女孩的腳步一起腦洞大開,猜猜門後住著誰?

As a young girl climbs the seven stories to her own (very boring!) apartment, she imagines what’s behind each of the doors she passes. Does the door with all the locks belong to a family of thieves? Might the doorway with muddy footprints conceal a pet tiger? Each spread reveals—in lush detail—the wilds of the girl’s imagination, from a high-flying circus to an underwater world and everything in between. When the girl finally reaches her own apartment, she is greeted by her parents, who might have a secret even wilder than anything she could have imagined!

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