The Marvels | 拾書所

The Marvels

$ 799 元 原價 1,155


《雨果的秘密》 布萊恩.賽茲尼克  2015力作 

1766年,男孩Billy Marvel僥倖從船難中逃過一劫,之後落腳在倫敦的戲院,當演員謀生。他在這裡發光發熱,建立輝煌的戲劇家族,直到1900年Leontes Marvel被逐出舞台。


600多頁的小說裡,插畫占2/3 (400頁),文字占1/3。插畫和文字各代表著不同故事軸線,最後,兩個看似不相關的事件匯聚,結局震撼!

From the Caldecott Medal-winning creator of The Invention of Hugo Cabret and Wonderstruck comes a breathtaking new voyage.

In this magnificent reimagining of the form he originated, two stand-alone stories--the first in nearly 400 pages of continuous pictures, the second in prose--create a beguiling narrative puzzle.

The journey begins at sea in 1766, with a boy named Billy Marvel. After surviving a shipwreck, he finds work in a London theatre. There, his family flourishes for generations as brilliant actors until 1900, when young Leontes Marvel is banished from the stage.

Nearly a century later, runaway Joseph Jervis seeks refuge with an uncle in London. Albert Nightingale's strange, beautiful house, with its mysterious portraits and ghostly presences, captivates Joseph and leads him on a search for clues about the house, his family, and the past.

A gripping adventure and an intriguing mystery The Marvels is a loving tribute to the power of story.

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