Baby Monkey, Private Eye | 拾書所

Baby Monkey, Private Eye

$ 350 元 原價 595


猴子北鼻破案第一  穿褲子掉漆

誰是猴子北鼻?他是猴子,是小北鼻;別看他小,他有個了不起的工作,他是偵探呢!不管是遺失的珠寶、不見的披薩、被偷走的太空船…,猴子北鼻都能幫上忙喔!猴子北鼻的偵探能力一流, 但有件事他很不在行,那就是—穿褲子!!
兩位作者布萊恩‧賽茲尼克(《雨果的秘密》)和 David Serlin常被問:為什麼會有這個褲子老是穿不好的梗呢?他們笑說,這靈感來自他們的真實故事!


Baby Monkey, Private Eye有120張鉛筆畫,開始接觸文字閱讀的小讀者,可以透過圖片細節,不斷翻閱,不斷找出更多線索,像是閱讀一部文字精簡的動畫。全書5個章節。

Lost jewels? Missing pizza? Stolen spaceship? Baby Monkey can help . . . if he can put on his pants! Caldecott medalist Brian Selznick and author David Serlin bring Baby Monkey's adventures to life in an exciting new format that blends elements of picture book, beginning reader and graphic novel. It is ideal for sharing aloud and for emerging readers. With over 120 black and white drawings accented with red, Brian Selznick's extraordinarily detailed pages hold delights for children and adults alike!

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