Hedgehugs: Autumn Hide-and-Squeak | 拾書所

Hedgehugs: Autumn Hide-and-Squeak

$ 252 元 原價 280



Horace 和Hattie是鄰居也是好朋友,他們會一起做皮影戲戲偶,觀察蝸牛爬行痕跡,尋找蜘蛛網蹤影…。秋天到,樹葉開始轉黃,紛紛飄落,很漂亮很有情調,但Hattie卻有點感傷,因為樹即將變得光禿禿。為了讓Hattie不要這麼傷心,Horace將樹葉一一撿起,和Hattie倆倆合作踩著肩膀,打算將落葉放回樹枝上。就在此時,聽見了「吱吱」「吱吱」聲,好奇的Horace 和Hattie,開始追蹤聲音來源…最後發現「牠」似乎躲在成群的香菇底下!那是誰呢? 牠會不會跟我們一起玩呢?

Horace and Hattie are hedgehogs and the very best of friends. Together they make shadow puppets, follow slimy snail trails, and search for spider webs. One autumn day they are watching the leaves fall from the trees when they hear a squeak . . . Could it be a new friend to play with?

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