The Mystery of the Golden Wonderflower | 拾書所

The Mystery of the Golden Wonderflower

$ 689 元 原價 765



偶然間,他從書上得知有一種金色的神奇花,就位在山區深處,狐狸決定動身尋找,親眼瞧瞧。他帶了簡單的行李、火把、指南針、營帳…往山裡去。 經過草原、森林到達山區。他翻開石頭、緊盯樹幹、窺入兔子洞,狐狸能找到神奇的金花嗎?

Fox is an avid botanist. He loves all flowers and trees! One evening, whilst flicking through his books, he discovers the Golden Wonderflower. But little is known about this precious plant...And so, Fox embarks on an exciting journey on the search of this curiosity. Join him on an adventure through forests, meadows and the mountains. Delight in the wonders that lie in nature s remote corners. Lovers of the great outdoors will delight in a story that sends a powerful message about the environment and our wild, natural world. Benjamin Flouw's rich illustrations catch the tranquility of the unspoiled, depict the plants that Fox finds on his way and take the young reader on an exciting adventure into the wild.

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