Marvel Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse The Official Guide | 拾書所

Marvel Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse The Official Guide

$ 396 元 原價 440



 在《蜘蛛人--新宇宙》 故事中,新蜘蛛人「邁爾斯摩拉斯」也是一位青少年,有著和前輩彼得·帕克一樣的超能力,但不一樣的是,《蜘蛛人─新宇宙》裡的蜘蛛人可不只一位,蜘蛛人團隊來自不同宇宙,有暗黑蜘蛛人、女蜘蛛人「關史黛西」、日本女高中生潘奈帕克Peni Parker、潘奈帕克的機器蜘蛛人,加上不是人的「豬豬」蜘蛛人…等,多到連邁爾斯都快搞不清楚了。本書詳細介紹邁爾斯的個性以及蜘蛛人團隊的超能力、盟友、敵人、戰鬥場景和小趣事:為了進入麥爾斯的學校,領導人關史黛西特地化名為Wanda。

There's a new Spider-Man on the block! Meet Miles Morales, a teenage Spider-Man with super powers as spectacular as his fellow Spider-Man Peter Parker! Discover everything you ever wanted to know about his astonishing costume, loyal allies and frightening enemies. Find out about his amazing origin story and his fiercest clashes as you learn how he juggles high school life with his status as a Super Hero.

Marvel Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse The Official Guide will cover all of the movie's memorable characters, plus key locations, themes and fun facts from the movie in DK's lively and informative non-fiction style.

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