Car, Car, Truck, Jeep | 拾書所

Car, Car, Truck, Jeep

$ 199 元 原價 455



汽車、巴士、飛機、火車、卡車…等交通工具,全都集結在這本可愛的圖畫書裡!咦?沒有油了嗎?快去加油站問問可不可以加油吧!透過生動且逗趣的狀聲詞,搭配Nick Sharratt風格鮮明的插圖,彷彿身歷其境經歷一場交通工具小旅行!

This book is bursting with cars, buses, planes, trains, trucks, diggers and many more things that go. Add to that a text that is read aloud to the tune of `Baa, Baa, Black Sheep' and ... What a combination! Car, car, truck, jeep, have you any fuel? Yes, sir, yes, sir, three tanks full. One for the red bus, one for the train, and one for the pilot in her jumbo jet plane. With bold, colourful illustrations by the instantly recognisable Nick Sharratt and text by talented newcomer Katrina Charman, vehicle-obsessed little ones will never want to put this book down.

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