We Wear Pants | 拾書所

We Wear Pants

$ 199 元 原價 385


褲裝我最型  動物潮流穿搭術
12個延伸的跨頁,搭配動物的跨界演出,無厘頭地介紹各種衣服:睡衣、眼鏡、雨靴、眼鏡…等各種場合的不同穿搭,像是三眼怪把小褲褲套在手上、企鵝把褲子戴在頭上當帽子、大嘴鳥和鴿子窩進小內褲裡躲貓貓;袋熊沒有穿褲子,牠覺得穿雨靴比較有型動物聯手把服飾配件的創意提升到另一個層次。不管海底游的、天上飛的、有2 隻腳甚至有8隻腳,不管要去踩泥坑、開車、坐雲霄飛車,都別忘記要穿搭一下再出門喔!

Pandas wearing pants? Surely not! And what about wombats wearing wellies, sloths in socks, or even giraffes wearing scarves? Whatever you do today...don't forget to get dressed! For any parent who has ever struggled to get their kids dressed - this hilarious book is for YOU! Parents and children will be giggling together as they find their favourite animals wearing funny things. We Wear Pants invites children to choose their favourite things across 12 spreads, packed with animals wearing pants, socks, pyjamas, glasses, shoes, shirts, wellies and more. With interactive speech bubbles and hilarious shout outs. Splashing around in puddles, driving buses and even riding on roller coasters - What will you wear today?

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