關於身體的好多好多的大哉問,都能在這本《Me and My Amazing Body》裡找到答案,更能藉由插圖透視身體內的奧秘。針對重要的身體器官也有做淺顯的說明,適合親子共讀,一同探索神奇的人體。
What exactly can your body do? A beloved bestseller that helps children understand anatomy, from their eyes to their toes, is back! Now refreshed with new art from Ed Miller.
What is under your skin? Why do you have bones? What do your muscles do? Where does the food that you eat go?
Me and My Amazing Body can show you! From your head to your toes and everything in between, this playful introduction to anatomy explains all the important parts of your body. Easy to read and easy to understand, Me and My Amazing Body helps children appreciate everything their bodies can do.