Beauty and the Beast | 拾書所

Beauty and the Beast

$ 499 元 原價 825


美女與野獸   俄羅斯藤蔓唯美風  3D視覺書

貝兒的爸爸偷摘了野獸的玫瑰花,成為野獸的俘虜,為了拯救爸爸,貝兒自願和爸爸交換,囚禁在野獸的城堡裡,換取爸爸的自由。本書由紙藝家重新詮釋,在每個跨頁,設計了3層,一層一層交疊,創造視覺上的立體感,並邀請烏茲別克籍插畫家Dinara Mirtalipova插畫,融合濃濃的俄羅斯風:花朵、藤蔓、捲雲、波浪,給讀者身在宮廷花園的華麗感,從貝兒家、花園到城堡,還有頁面邊框都很浪漫唯美。

When a merchant steals a rose from the garden of a terrifying beast, his daughter, Beauty, agrees to go to the beast's palace to save her father's life. The classic tale of Beauty and the Beast is retold here in a magnificent 'pop-in' format. Each page has three layers of paper, cut to give the impression of a 3D scene. A triumph of paper engineering with wonderful illustrations by Dinara Mirtalipova.

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