Change the Shape | 拾書所

Change the Shape

$ 495 元 原價 550



扭一扭、滑一滑、靠近窺看、往上掀開、往旁邊拉開、摺一摺、轉一轉,有時可能需要兩根手指同時進行,哇,好多指令喔!但是動動手後,圓形內摺變出三角形,星星的六個角往內翻變出六角型,四邊轉轉後,中央出現菱形!繼《Find the Dots  找一找點點在哪裡》《See the Stripes》後,Andy Mansfield又創造一本玩造型的互動遊戲書,9個不同的形狀,一關比一關難,等你來挑戰!

The third ingenious pop-up novelty book from paper engineer Andy Mansfield. Push, pull, lift, turn and twist to change the shapes!

Andy Mansfield's innovative paper engineering makes this a shape recognition book with a difference. Lift the flap, pull the tab, fold and pop to see the shapes. Bright and simple, this is the very best kind of smart concept book. From page to page each shape becomes a little trickier to change. Flap, fold and turn until you transform each one. A magnificent kaleidoscope pop finale hides 9 shapes can you find them all?

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