Sleeping Beauty | 拾書所

Sleeping Beauty

$ 652 元 原價 825


睡美人 俄羅斯田園風

國王和皇后生了寶寶,廣邀賓客同歡慶祝。不料,卻忘了邀請黑女巫。面子掛不住的她,不僅不請自來,還詛咒女寶寶長大後將被鈁錘刺死…。這本經典,由茲別克籍Dinara Mirtalipova紙藝插畫家以立體書,透過紙頁交錯的層次,重新給予立體意象,並融合濃濃的俄羅斯風:花朵、藤蔓、捲雲、波浪…,浪漫唯美,即使故事耳熟能詳,畫面細節卻依然令人目不轉睛。

When a king and queen ask the fairies of their kingdom to bless their baby daughter, one is not invited. She curses the girl, who must sleep for 100 years until woken by a prince.

The classic tale of Sleeping Beauty is retold in a magnificent pop-up aperture format. A triumph of paper engineering with wonderful folk-art inspired illustrations by Dinara Mirtalipova.

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