Anne of Green Gables | 拾書所

Anne of Green Gables

$ 269 元 原價 440


國際婦女節 向獨立、自主有想的女作家致敬

為了向國際婦女節致意,Puffin Classics經典系列,集結19、20世紀具有代表性的女性作家作品。Anne of Green Gables紅髮安妮﹙或清秀佳人﹚,為加拿大女作家露西.蒙哥瑪莉作品,內容敘述單身的瑪莉拉卡斯柏特和馬修卡斯柏特兄妹,期待收養一位男孩,以便一起分擔綠園莊工作,但沒想到來的卻是紅頭髮、瘦巴巴的女孩,名叫安雪莉,或稱紅髮安妮。安妮活潑、健談,有著用不完的想像力,而且情感豐富,雖然也會惹出一些小麻煩,卻早已贏得卡斯柏特兄妹和朋友們的喜愛,兄妹倆慶幸沒將安妮送走,而艾凡里的居民們不敢想像沒有安的日子,會是多麼無趣啊! 

Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert are in for a big surprise. They are waiting for an orphan boy to help with the work at Green Gables - but a skinny, red-haired girl turns up instead. Feisty and full of spirit, Anne Shirley charms her way into the Cuthberts' affection with her vivid imagination and constant chatter. It's not long before Anne finds herself in trouble, but soon it becomes impossible for the Cuthberts to imagine life without 'their' Anne.

Anne of Green Gables is one of six unforgettable Puffin Classics, brought together for International Women's Day in a stunning set in celebration of some of the most iconic female writers of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

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