Eloise Collector's Set (6冊合售) | 拾書所

Eloise Collector's Set (6冊合售)

$ 442 元 原價 560


住在廣場飯店頂樓的小淘氣 Eloise 60週年囉!
6冊合售小提盒裝,原畫重繪的Easy to Read讀本

1955 年,住在廣場飯店的小淘氣—艾洛思問市,黃色中短髮,頭頂綁著紅色蝴蝶結,喜歡亂開門、命令大人、講電話、做鬼臉…,儼然小大人,整個飯店都是她的遊戲間。

6個故事 包含 
Eloise Breaks Some Eggs:褓母和廚師要教艾洛思烹飪 但艾洛思心不在焉
Eloise Has a Lesson:上課時間到了 老師今天要上數學 但艾洛思有更好的點子
Eloise at the Wedding:艾洛思喜歡參加婚禮 她偷看了一眼新娘 沒想到驚喜發生
Eloise and the Very Secret Room:艾洛思可以自由出入廣場飯店 但她最喜歡的是其中一個小房間
Eloise and the Snowman:紐約街頭開始下雪了 愛雪的艾洛思等不及要去堆雪人
Eloise's New Bonnet:春天到了 艾洛思想要一頂新帽子 她因此找遍了廣場飯店

Just in time for her 60th anniversary, Eloise fans are sure to adore this Ready-to-Read boxed set that includes six beloved stories! 

Ever since Eloise burst onto the scene at the Plaza Hotel in 1955, fans young and old have been charmed by her many heartwarming and hilarious adventures. Now young readers can take home Eloise’s touching and time-honored adventures like never before! This beautiful carry-along boxed set is filled with six favorite Ready-to-Read tales including Eloise Breaks Some Eggs, Eloise Has a LessonEloise at the WeddingEloise and the Very Secret RoomEloise and the Snowman, and Eloise’s New Bonnet

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