Dog Man 8: Fetch-22 | 拾書所

Dog Man 8: Fetch-22

$ 299 元 原價 455


凱迪克獲獎作家Dav Pilkey繼《Captain Underpants》後,另一搞笑代表作

已經出獄的Petey貓,即將開始他嶄新的人生,也最想與Li'l Petey貓共度新生活,但卻發現,Li'l Petey貓目前的狀態並不快樂。

而超狗神探在這集裡面又會遇到了什麼難題呢?Petey貓和超狗神探兩人能盡釋前嫌,一起合作解決Li'l Petey貓的困擾與大家的問題嗎?


Howl with laughter with Dog Man, the internationally bestselling series from Dav Pilkey, the creator of Captain Underpants!

Petey the Cat is out of jail, and he has a brand-new lease on life. While Petey's reevaluated what matters most, Li'l Petey is struggling to find the good in the world. Can Petey and Dog Man stop fighting like cats and dogs long enough to put their paws together and work as a team? They need each other now more than ever -- Li'l Petey (and the world) is counting on them!

Dav Pilkey's wildly popular Dog Man series appeals to readers of all ages and explores universally positive themes, including empathy, kindness, persistence, and the importance of being true to one's self.

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