Wild Animals | 拾書所

Wild Animals

$ 297 元 原價 330


BUSY_Non fiction 孩子的第一本小小知識主題書 
全系列特價199元 任選3本享定價55折

First Explorers系列,設計了推、拉、旋轉等機關,堅固耐用的硬頁厚紙書正適合寶寶小手操作,讓小肌肉更靈活;

Explore grasslands, the dry desert and a busy watering hole in First Explorers: Wild Animals. Meet giraffes, hippos and lions, as well as lots of other amazing animals who live in the wild.

Each scene has chunky push, pull and slide mechanisms perfect for little hands, animals to spot and fun facts about wild animals. Beautifully illustrated by Jenny Wren, this title provides gentle early learning and is a magical introduction to the natural world for small children.

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