在叢林裡 推拉滑硬頁遊戲書
怪獸古肥玀畫家Axel Scheffler 插畫
在樹葉濃密叢林裡,猴子攀藤彈琴打鼓開音樂會,你數得出來有幾隻嗎?有幾隻斑馬隨著音樂跳躍舞動呢?又有幾隻睡大頭覺被音樂吵醒頻頻打哈欠的獅子呢?歡樂的叢林裡還有鸚鵡、大象、紅鶴…唱歌跳舞好歡樂,邀你推推、滑滑或翻翻,動一動機關共襄盛舉喔!由怪獸古肥玀畫家Axel Scheffler 插畫,風格逗趣,內文押韻,小朋友感受韻律,輕鬆上手。Campbell出版,以手指頭模擬人物動作方向,設計各種推拉滑機關在硬紙板書,讓閱讀更有樂趣更有臨場感!
系列另有2681501646003 On th Farm
Little ones can join in the fun In the Jungle by pulling out the sliders, pushing up the tabs and counting all the animals! How many lazy lions are yawning? How many zebras are skipping?
Children will love playing with this bright and colourful board book with gentle rhyming text and beautifully illustrated by the award-winning Axel Scheffler.
怪獸古肥玀畫家Axel Scheffler 插畫
在樹葉濃密叢林裡,猴子攀藤彈琴打鼓開音樂會,你數得出來有幾隻嗎?有幾隻斑馬隨著音樂跳躍舞動呢?又有幾隻睡大頭覺被音樂吵醒頻頻打哈欠的獅子呢?歡樂的叢林裡還有鸚鵡、大象、紅鶴…唱歌跳舞好歡樂,邀你推推、滑滑或翻翻,動一動機關共襄盛舉喔!由怪獸古肥玀畫家Axel Scheffler 插畫,風格逗趣,內文押韻,小朋友感受韻律,輕鬆上手。Campbell出版,以手指頭模擬人物動作方向,設計各種推拉滑機關在硬紙板書,讓閱讀更有樂趣更有臨場感!
系列另有2681501646003 On th Farm
Little ones can join in the fun In the Jungle by pulling out the sliders, pushing up the tabs and counting all the animals! How many lazy lions are yawning? How many zebras are skipping?
Children will love playing with this bright and colourful board book with gentle rhyming text and beautifully illustrated by the award-winning Axel Scheffler.