Treasury of Rhyming Stories (+CD) | 拾書所

Treasury of Rhyming Stories (+CD)

$ 391 元 原價 495


《古肥玀》  插畫家 Axel Scheffler創作
Axel Scheffler  動物熱熱鬧鬧 韻文小故事

Katie、Pip和Freddy是超活潑、超愛唱歌、愛說話又愛跳舞的小動物。不管走到哪,都有他們響亮的聲音,蹦蹦跳跳的影子。像是狗狗Pip,聲音超宏亮,常常把貓咪嚇得往樹上逃;小貓Katie喜歡窩在洗衣軟軟的衣服堆上;鴨子和鵝玩的一身都是水,但是他也不以為意,甩甩尾巴,走一走路,身體就乾了,又可以跑去玩水了!《古肥玀》插畫家Axel Scheffler撰文並插畫的動物韻文小故事,韻文短而簡單,故事趣味,動物的表情,驚訝的、悠哉的、好奇瞪大眼的…也都在他畫筆下,活靈活現地表達出來。

Katie, Pip and Freddy are lively creatures who love to make noise, dance about and have fun. Beautifully illustrated by the award-winning Axel Scheffler, these stories have lots of details that children will love to spot.

The Axel Scheffler Treasury of Rhyming Stories Book and CD is completed by robust, easy-to-hold tabs to keep track of each story and an audio recording by Joanna Page, the voice of the much-loved children's television programme, Poppy Cat.

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