Around the World in Every Vehicle | 拾書所

Around the World in Every Vehicle

$ 521 元 原價 660



熱愛旅遊的Van Go一家人,邀請你一起搭上他們的藍色小露營車,用交通工具環遊世界囉!
在倫敦,別忘了搭最具象徵性的紅色觀光巴士,到了紐約,黃色計程車怎可以錯過?對了,快一起幫幫Van Go一家人,挑戰搭乘世界上最複雜的巴黎地鐵!


Join the Van Go family as they set out in their little blue camper van on a globetrotting adventure. Join them as they take in the sights on a red bus in London, watch them hail a yellow cab in New York and help them navigate the twisty turns of the Paris metro. Around the World in Every Vehicle is an adventure story perfect for little fans of everything that goes 'vroom'! Follow the Van Gos as they travel in different vehicles throughout their trip and find out how popular modes of transport look in different cities and countries around the world.

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