跟著指頭走 狐狸帶你遊世界 硬頁遊戲書
專精於設計幼兒書籍的Roger Priddy,在厚紙板書上,挖出一長條延綿,專門給小指頭走的路,小指頭沿著路繞來繞去,指頭動到哪,大腦動到哪!
專精於設計幼兒書籍的Roger Priddy,在厚紙板書上,挖出一長條延綿,專門給小指頭走的路,小指頭沿著路繞來繞去,指頭動到哪,大腦動到哪!
Follow Me Around the World is a finger maze adventure with colorful continent scenes and grooved maze trails to trace with fingertips.
Follow Fox through seven exciting and colorful trail scenes that can be explored using fingertips to trace along the grooved mazes on the pages. In each busy scene there are recognizable sights to spot and charming animal characters to search for as you travel from continent to continent. The different winding mazes run from hole to hole throughout the book to a final map showing all the interesting places Fox has visited and the friends he has made along the way. A unique and beautiful book to explore with your child!