The President of the Jungle | 拾書所

The President of the Jungle

$ 399 元 原價 630


一場花招百出的選舉 最後究竟誰會當選?

萬眾矚目的大選 誰是下一屆總統?
1號獅子:全心全意 為民服務!選總統 投獅王!
2號猴子:投下改變森林的一票!懇請支持 猴子當總統!
3號蛇:認真打拼 說話實在!唯一支持 蛇選總統!
4號樹懶:珍惜您的選票 做出正確決定 相信樹懶!


大人需要停止仇恨言論,避免孩子將政治和醜陋聯想在一起,這是本書的願望之一。 ──佩德羅‧馬昆



In this fabulous and funny introduction to how elections work, the animals decide they are tired of their king and that it is time to vote for a president.
Lion may be King of the jungle, but lately he only seems to care about himself. His subjects are fed up, so they decide to try something new--hold an election! Once Owl explains the rules, the fun begins, and Snake, Sloth, and Monkey all announce they will be candidates. But oh no, Lion is going to run too! It's a wild campaign season as the animals hold rallies, debate, and even take a selfie or two, trying to prove why they'd make the best president of the jungle.

This funny, non-partisan story features lively illustrations, a helpful glossary, and colorful characters who have an infectious enthusiasm for the election process.

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