A Book About Ralphie Dog at the Station | 拾書所

A Book About Ralphie Dog at the Station

$ 249 元 原價 440


狗狗Ralphie的火車小旅行 翻翻遊戲書

Nosy Crow出版社,繼不織布鏡子翻翻書後,配合孩子經驗拓展,出版了A Book About 系列,沿用翻翻書設計和不織布材質,但內容延伸至更廣的生活圈,帶孩子觀察更多周圍人事物,介紹更多字彙。

This cute little train-themed title introduces the concepts of size (small, medium, large), opposites and journeys. With busy, detailed scenes, lots to point at and name and a straightforward story-arc, this is the perfect introduction to a lifetime of reading!

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