Little Women (+MP3) | 拾書所

Little Women (+MP3)

$ 171 元 原價 190


◎About this Book單元: 分別提供學生與老師的語言學習或教學提示,並有本書文法結構要點。
◎Before Reading/After Reading: 閱讀前/後各有問題提問與練習,幫助理解作品內容並培養賞析 與批判思考能力。


Little Women / Level 2 / Helbling Classics / Recording in American English
“Let’s meet again in ten years and see how many of us have got our wishes.”
This is the much-loved story of the four March sisters. Meg is the eldest and is about to fall in love. Then there’s tomboy Jo, who wants to be a writer. Kind Beth who always puts other people before himself, and finally there’s Amy, the youngest and most precocious. Although times are difficult and their father is away at war, they never forget their sense of fun. 
Growing up is not always easy, but it is very rewarding.


Helbling Readers Red Series書系簡介


● Helbling Classics(經典文學)
● Helbling Fiction(當代原創)

全系列適合程度:劍橋英檢(Cambridge) KET / 全民英檢(GEPT) 初級 / 歐洲共同語言能力(CEF) A1~A2 / 倫敦聖三一學院(Trinity) 1~ 4 級

Level 1 - 400字彙以上;認證級數Cambridge KET、CEF A1、Trinity1,2級
Level 2 - 600字彙以上;認證級數Cambridge KET、CEF A1/A2、Trinity 2,3級
Level 3 - 1000字彙以上;認證級數Cambridge KET、CEF A2、Trinity3,4級

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