誰會需要我呢?寂寞的小雨雲找朋友大家都喜歡晴朗的天氣,喜歡陽光,只有小雨雲不喜歡,因為,陽光的關係,雲都不見了,小雨雲因此沒有朋友。孤單的他,出門找朋友。小朋友不歡迎他,他讓公園溼答答,新娘子也不歡迎他,這樣會破壞美麗的婚紗…正當小雨雲打算放棄時,他看到女孩Ivy小小的身影,跟著她來到工作的花店,Ivy一臉不悅。小雨雲看見花店的植物各個垂頭喪氣,展現自己專長,輕輕地「濕」了一個魔法,植物又恢復了生氣, 小雨雲也交到朋友囉!兩人合作無間,一起快樂地照顧花店喔!
Everyone loves the warm sunshine except the lonely raincloud. No one wants to be his friend! But one day, he stumbles across a grumpy little florist . . . could she be looking for a friend too?
In this charming tale, a solitary raincloud finds a way to make a sad little girl happy again, by using the very thing that most people dislike about him - rain!
Katie Harnett received the Bologna Children s Book Fair ARS IN FABULA Grant Award in 2015, and her work was selected to be exhibited twice at The Illustrators Exhibition at the Bologna Book Fair.