The Wolves of Currumpaw | 拾書所

The Wolves of Currumpaw

$ 743 元 原價 825


William Grill用圖像重現「狼王羅伯」經典故事

故事內容來自Ernest Thompson Seton在1898年的經典作品《Wild Animals I Have Known》當中的第一則故事「狼王羅伯」:在新墨西哥遼闊平原上,一個名為卡蘭波(Currumpaw)的地方,惡名昭彰的狼群時時刻刻威脅著居民的身家安全,其凶殘狡詐的首領更是難以制服,居民以重金懸賞,希望能有獵人捕捉到狼王,為了賞金,獵人們無一不躍躍欲試,卻始終無功而返,直到有人發現狼王的弱點並加以利用……
英國新生代繪本作家William Grill,第一本作品《Shackleton's Journey》即為他贏得凱特格林威大獎,《The Wolves of Currumpaw》是他的第二本書,沿用擅長的色鉛筆為繪畫媒材,樸實的畫風搭配分格圖像敘事,讓讀者彷彿觀賞老西部電影,一同經歷西部拓荒興衰。

The Wolves of Currumpaw is a beautifully illustrated modern re-telling of Ernest Thompson Seton's epic wilderness drama Lobo, the King of Currumpaw, originally published in 1898. Set in the dying days of the old west, Seton's drama unfolds in the vast planes of New Mexico, at a time when man's relationship with nature was often marked by exploitations and misunderstanding. This is the first graphic adaptation of a massively influential piece of writing by one of the men who went on to form the Boy Scouts of America.

A University of Falmouth graduate and London resident, William Grill's first book Shackleton's Journey made him the youngest Kate Greenaway Medal winner since 1960. With a slew of prizes and under his belt, Grill looks primed to make a huge impact with The Wolves of Currumpaw.

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