The Sleepy Pebble and Other Stories: Calming Tales To Read at Bedtime | 拾書所

The Sleepy Pebble and Other Stories: Calming Tales To Read at Bedtime

$ 450 元 原價 715


The Sleepy Pebble 是由倫敦的Goldsmiths大學,研究睡眠科學超過10餘年、發表超過100篇關於睡眠文章的Alice Gregory教授撰文。希望藉由這本畫風輕柔的睡前小故事集,幫助讀者放鬆。故事有好想睡的石子、想熬夜的樹、想洗澡的長頸鹿、好累好累的蝸牛、需要好好睡一覺的豬仔…等故事﹙光看標題是不是就很想睡呢!﹚。故事後,提供改善睡眠的小方法,例如,想像你是海邊的石頭,聽聽海的聲音,試著保持安靜或是藉由冥想…等,穩定情緒,增加睡意。

We all know how difficult it can be to get little ones to sleep. The Sleepy Pebble and Other Stories is a soothing collection of tales co-written by sleep specialist Alice Gregory and children’s book writer Christy Kirkpatrick. They have crafted these stories to incorporate mindfulness and other techniques that can aid relaxation. Coupled with dreamlike and calming illustrations, this treasury could make bedtime a little bit easier.

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