Tree: Seasons Come, Seasons Go | 拾書所

Tree: Seasons Come, Seasons Go

$ 299 元 原價 440


一棵樹,靜靜看春去秋來    層疊洞洞書

樹,張開枝幹,靜靜地矗立在原野中央。貓頭鷹瞪大著眼睛,靜靜地窩在樹洞裡,  等著冬雪融化,期待春天,期待朋友到訪。終於,春天來了,熊來了,松鼠來了,鳥也攜家帶眷來了!綠芽一株一株冒出,樹葉愈來愈茂盛,為樹刷上新顏色。隨著春夏的到訪,動物紛紛出現在書頁的軋洞裡,迎接新氣象。夏天的夜裡,更是有趣,樹也參加了夜光派對。接著,進入秋冬,樹又漸漸變裝,金黃色,白色。動物也紛紛回籠睡覺過冬,貓頭鷹醒了一年,累了,跟著冬眠去了。如此修養生息,又期待著新的一年開始。

《The Odd One Out》的Britta Teckentrup 固定樹的位置,透過翻頁(四季、黑夜、白天)讓讀者對比出季節和顏色的變化,每翻一次頁,就像為模特兒換造型。大自然是彩妝大師,你喜歡哪個季節呢?

Explore the beauty of the changing seasons in this timeless peek-through book with beautiful artwork from Britta Teckentrup and accompanying rhyming text. Following the life-cycle of a tree through spring, summer, autumn and winter, children will easily learn to recognise the signs of the seasons with this simple yet striking picture book.

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