Moon | 拾書所


$ 521 元 原價 660


月亮高掛時 動物忙麼呢?
月亮形狀逐頁變化 軋洞遊戲書

月亮為什麼夜晚會發光呢?動物們可能也很納悶…不過,先不管它,好好過日子吧!當月亮開始傾瀉光芒時,海龜忙著在白色沙灘上下蛋,青蛙開始唱歌,候鳥也從月亮的位置,判斷飛行的方向,以便到溫暖的地方過冬…。這本書,作者費盡心思在封面挖出一只彎月,每頁的月亮挖空的造型,和真實月亮的變化一樣逐頁改變,帶讀者從極地到熱帶,看夜裡動物忙什麼。畫家(Britta Teckentrup 布麗塔.泰肯特拉普,畫有《Tree: Seasons Come, Seasons Go》、《The Odd One Out》、《不笑的臭臉貓》)

Have you ever wondered why the moon shines in the night-time sky?

As the moon waxes and wanes above, the world below is full of busy night-time creatures; from turtles laying their eggs on white sandy beaches, to migrating birds using the moon to navigate their way to sunnier climes. Turn the peek-through pages to see the moon change shape as it goes through the lunar cycle.

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