波隆納大獎畫家 鄒駿昇插畫 自然知識也優雅你知道世界最高的山有多高?海洋最深的地方又有多深?最老的樹又是…?爬得最快爬蟲類?榮登「動物大遷徙」冠軍的是什麼動物?獲波隆納插畫獎的台灣畫家鄒駿昇,針筆式以點成線,細膩畫出動物輪廓、紋理和陰影,讓動物顯得非常有立體感!用色典雅、沉穩,以花草藤蔓勾勒邊框,使生硬的自然知識也能優雅大方。其中「快速移動」的主題,僅以黑白線條和區塊式排版,介紹蜂鳥的翅膀、海裡游最快的魚、可以快速揮動拳頭和真人對打的袋鼠…等,讀來像報紙專欄,頗具新鮮感,是一本藝術性很高的知識繪本!
Do you know how tall the tallest mountain on Earth is? Or how deep the deepest ocean goes? Do you know which creature was the largest to ever live? Or how old the oldest tree is? Learn all this and more in this exquisite book of comparisons. Page Tsou's extraordinarily detailed illustrations have a lithograph aesthetic that is at once vintage and contemporary. Another gorgeous Big Picture Press title that will fill readers with wonder at the world we live in.