Beneath the Waves | 拾書所

Beneath the Waves

$ 399 元 原價 715


畫家Helen Ahpornsiri 以自然植物押花的方式,將樹葉、海藻、蕨類、小花小草等,巧手細工組合,將他們變身成企鵝、螃蟹、鯊魚等海洋動物,小石頭後方到海底最深處,都有牠們的蹤跡。

快來看看這座美麗的水下城市吧!這裡有各式各樣、五顏六色的動物,不僅 有可愛的熱帶魚、海馬、海星,更有奇怪的鯊魚─雙髻鯊、有翅膀的魟魚、好多毒刺的獅子魚、深海大怪物章魚哥等,海底世界也是個大千世界喔! 

Take a journey through the oceans of the world in this beautiful book, made entirely from hand-pressed plants.

Artist Helen Ahpornsiri transforms silky seaweeds, feathery algae and bright coastal blooms into playful penguins, scuttling crabs and schools of silvery sharks. Turn the page to explore each corner of the oceans, from hidden rock pools to the darkest depths. Marvel as plants transform into marvellous creatures, and discover the magic and beauty that lies beneath the waves . . .

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