Jojo's First Word Book | 拾書所

Jojo's First Word Book

$ 536 元 原價 595


跟著小兔子 JoJo一起認識世界  字彙書

來到地球年餘,可愛兔子JoJo和妹妹LuLu 會走會跑,探索範圍無限擴大中!剛開始,認識自己「如影隨形」的好朋友:眼睛、耳朵、鼻子,情緒:開心、難過,逐漸擴展到認識家裡的空間擺設:客廳、房間、電話、枕頭。接著壓軸的是各式多彩多姿、消耗精力的戶外遊戲和場所:騎腳踏車、車站、花園(有溜滑梯喔!)、海灘、泳池、農場…,玩不完!每天都好期待,太陽升起的那一刻!

Meet Jojo, the irresistible young bunny who’s every toddler’s best friend and the star of this friendly and reassuring first word book! Together with his sister Lulu, Jojo explores scenes of daily life familiar to every child, from mealtime to playtime to bedtime. Cheerful tabs help guide little hands and minds as Jojo shares such first experiences as crossing the street with a parent, learning to ride a bike, and visiting a beach. With almost 200 objects to spot and name and a unique, extra-sturdy format with a carrying handle, Jojo’s First Word Book is just right for little ones acquiring early language skills. Look for Jojo in more books to come!

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