飛機和機場 遊戲書 超過50個推拉翻轉機關 一窺機場的秘密要搭飛機囉,好興奮喔!機場好大,要去哪裡報到、托運行李?行李像旋轉壽司一樣,在輸送帶李轉啊轉,好好玩!登上飛機了,這個是什麼?那個做什麼用的? 飛機裡的一切好新鮮,好想什麼都摸摸看喔!!這本書超過50個互動設計,讓小朋友盡情摸摸看,從機場到飛機,進入波音747的駕駛艙看秘密,瞧一瞧行李輸送帶如何運作,一一為小朋友解答。
The Ultimate series is a worldwide success because it offers readers an intriguing close-up view of their subject with lots of opportunity for hands-on interaction with flaps, tabs, pop-ups, and more! What better subject than airplanes and airports, endlessly fascinating to children of all ages—from the detailed instruments of a Boeing 747 cockpit to the mysterious innards of a baggage carousel, The Ultimate Book of Airports delivers absorbing information and hours of fun. It's the perfect book to prepare young readers for a first flight!