Atlas of Animal Adventures | 拾書所

Atlas of Animal Adventures

$ 990 元 原價 1,100


世界各地的動物大冒險   暢銷書Atlas of Adventures 系列作  


本書紀錄世界各地百種動物,從極地到熱帶叢林,從西伯利亞虎、智利座頭鯨  、南非波札那河馬…,看動物特殊的習性或是史詩般的大遷移,像是跟著牠們進行一場知識之旅喔!

Head off on a journey of discovery with this follow-up to the best-selling Atlas of Adventures. This book collects together nature's most unmissable events from between the two poles, including epic migrations, extraordinary behaviors, and Herculean habits. Find hundreds of things to spot and learn new facts about every animal.

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