Traffic Jam: Puzzle Book | 拾書所

Traffic Jam: Puzzle Book

$ 495 元 原價 550



《Animal Parade: Puzzle Book》系列書,作者為芬蘭藝術家,同時marimekko(以強烈色彩大膽圖案為著稱)設計師。此地板拼圖概念書為她的第一本童書創作。
我每天開拖拉機進城,但現在被塞住了,因為前面塞了一台公車;我每天開公車載乘客上上下下,現在也塞住了,因為前面塞了一台卡車;卡車說,我也是不得已,因為前面塞了一台腳踏車,而腳踏車的前面,正是一台消防車!消防車說:因為我在等紅燈啊!雙面拼圖,一面是I am stuck behind…另一面是I am in front of…前後的相對關係,一面是紅燈stop,另一面是綠燈go囉!

Make learning fun with this stylish and tactile puzzle book, which introduces the key concepts of in front and behind. These six double-sided chunky puzzle pieces form two different floor puzzles, and feature favourite things that go, including a tractor, bus and fire engine!

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