Glow in the Dark: Nature's Light Spectacular | 拾書所

Glow in the Dark: Nature's Light Spectacular

$ 450 元 原價 715


你看過閃電、彩虹,但你看過極光、或雙彩虹嗎?自然界的光影,是不插電的大型霓虹燈光秀,既然不插電,那這些現象是怎麼形成的呢?跟著書中兩位探險家,一起南征北討,探索地球上最神奇的自然現象,從極光、紐西蘭螢火蟲洞穴、流星雨、幻日、雙彩虹、血紅月亮、光柱到火山光…,每一跨頁介紹一個自然現象。書末附一張64X 29.6公分的大海報,海報能在黑夜發光喔﹙需先在燈源下吸光﹚!

Lightning! Rainbows! Auroras! Discover Earth's most amazing natural phenomena in this adventure around the globe, including a glow-in-the-dark poster.

Follow two intrepid explorers as they witness the Northern Lights, marvel in wonder at glow worm caves, go hunting for double rainbows, and dodge volcanic lightning. A perfect book for young explorers. Turn off the light to see the  640 × 296 mm  tear-out poster glow, featuring the stages of a solar eclipse. (Be sure to charge it in the light first.)

Each spread features an enchanting illustration of a different natural phenomenon animated by a description of the science behind it, told in exciting prose. Fact boxes call out more information. 

Some of the wonderful things you’ll see:

Volcanic Lightning

Meteor Showers

Double Rainbows

Sun Dogs

Glowworm Caves

Super Blood Moon

Light pillars

Poster: Solar eclipse

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