How to Hide a Lion at Christmas | 拾書所

How to Hide a Lion at Christmas

$ 499 元 原價 715



Iris好愛好愛她的獅子,總是和她的獅子形影不離。聖誕節快到了,Iris的聖誕樹上還特別掛上小獅子娃娃呢!不過 ,媽媽說一家人外出度假時,獅子得待在家,畢竟火車是不能運送獅子的! 不過,獅子總有辦法,牠想方設法 在雪花紛飛的日子裡,起程去找Iris 。

《獅子要藏在哪裡》 系列第4本。

Iris and her lion go everywhere together.

But when Christmas comes and the family are going away, Mum says the lion must stay behind. After all, you can't take a lion on a train.

Luckily the lion has other ideas. He sets off on a festive, snowy adventure to find Iris - and almost bumps into Father Christmas!

The fourth irresistible book about Iris and her lion is destined to be a Christmas classic.

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