Kind | 拾書所


$ 399 元 原價 715



你曾想像過一個處處充滿良善的世界嗎?那樣的世界,那樣的境界,要如何實現呢?這本書告訴你許多可行的方法:朋友沮喪了,可以講一個有趣的故事,讓他心情開朗一點;專心聆聽對方內心的話;玩遊戲時,留意一下誰沒玩到,邀請他一起來玩;排隊時,讓行動不便或是小朋友優先;有外國朋友正在中文,你可以多教他一些新字;或是,試著說他們的語言,像是簡單的招呼,這樣遠地而來的朋友聽到熟悉的語言也會很開心喔!本書由GRUFFALO畫家Axel Scheffler插畫。

Imagine a world where everyone is kind - how can we make that come true?

With gorgeous pictures by a host of top illustrators, KIND is a timely, inspiring picture book about the many ways children can be kind, from sharing their toys andgames to helping those from other countries feel welcome.

The book is endorsed by GRUFFALO illustrator Axel Scheffler, and one pound from the sale of each printed copy will go to the Three Peas charity, which gives vital help to refugees from war-torn countries.

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