Hansel & Gretel | 拾書所

Hansel & Gretel

$ 594 元 原價 660


機靈大眼 小紅帽的作者  貝森.伍文 Bethan Woollvin 顛覆童話又來了

森林深處的一個薑餅屋,住著一位善良的小女巫 Willow,她的魔法只會使用在好的地方。有一天Willow發現了一些麵包屑,她怕引來老鼠吃薑餅屋,趕緊看看是誰放的,原來是漢賽爾和葛麗特。Willow請他們撿起來,兄妹倆不僅不理睬,還吃起Willow的薑餅屋。好心的Willow沒生氣,反而邀請兄妹倆進屋享用甜點美食,但他們卻沒有留下任何食物給小女巫。接著兄妹又在房子裡跑跑鬧鬧,一點也不聽Willow的提醒,破壞了Willow的魔法,甚至把Willow塞進爐子裡,最後 Willow生氣了!!她生平第一次使用魔法在壞的地方──她煮了兄妹倆,並且加了一顆蛋,好犒賞自己。幽默顛覆又爽快,做得好啊,小女巫! 

A brilliantly funny twist on a favourite fairy tale. Naughty little Hansel and Gretel ransack Willow the good witch's gingerbread cottage and play havoc with her spells, driving the poor witch to her wit's end with magical mischief and mayhem. They gobble all her yummy food, smash her potion bottles and even conjure the cat to the size of a house! Can Willow ever put a stop to the chaos?

From the award-winning Bethan Woollvin, creator of the iconic Little Red and Rapunzel comes Hansel and Gretel, another fantastic twist on a fairy tale printed in vibrant pantone inks.

Bethan Woollvin has been shortlisted for both the Klaus Flugge Prize 2017 and the Little Rebels Award 2017, as well as winning an AOI Award 2017. Little Red, winner of the Macmillan Prize 2014, was named one of the ten New York Times Best Illustrated Books in 2016.

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