Let's Go! | 拾書所

Let's Go!

$ 399 元 原價 550


走吧!街角探險去 小男孩像往常一樣,幫忙跑腿到街的另一頭採買東西。路途不遠,只要穿越個小花園和池塘就可以了。不過,這小小的一段路,在他天馬行空的想像力加持之下,變得可不一樣了。噴火龍、大睡魔從半路殺出,噓,小聲一點:池塘被鯊魚和海盜盤踞,並瘋狂追向他,他得賣力划著小船,才能逃出雙重攻擊。加油加油!!這趟任務可真不簡單啊,可是,卻比平常多了冒險的樂趣呢!

‘Let’s go,’ says the boy in the red jumper. The reader does just that, and becomes the centre of the action in this unfolding adventure ...

A young boy with a wild imagination makes a trip to the corner shop to buy apples. It isn’t far. Indeed, it’s just a quick walk through the garden, but the boy’s sense of wonder transforms an everyday errand into an od yssey. In the garden, a small coppice becomes a huge, dark wood with fire - breathing dragons and a sleeping giant. And a pond becomes the high seas teeming with sharks and marauding pirates.

There’s a clever twist too. The boy asks the reader to join him on the expedition. Illustrations full of glorious detail show the scenes from above. The reader uses this birds - eye perspective to guide the boy through the adventure and even lends a hand by turning the pages to escape looming danger!

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