李奧尼擅長使用紙張拼貼創作,乾淨純白的背景,貼上老鼠、石頭、花草等景物,造型設計簡單、構圖清楚,主題意思因而特別突顯,容易被孩子所理解,使得閱讀時充滿喜悅與滿足。亞歷山大不願做一隻人人討厭的普通老鼠,他希望像小威那樣,做一隻受人寵愛的「發條老鼠」。可是有一天,牠卻發現小威被扔到垃圾堆裡.....Everyone loves Willy the wind-up mouse, while Alexander the real mouse is chased away with brooms and mousetraps. Wouldn't it be wonderful to be loved and cuddled, thinks Alexander, and he wishes he could be a wind-up mouse too. In this gentle fable about a real mouse and a mechanical mouse, Leo Lionni explores the magic of friendship.