Henny Penny (SayPen Ed./+CD) | 拾書所

Henny Penny (SayPen Ed./+CD)

$ 346 元 原價 525


母雞Henny Penny 好端端的正在橡樹下吃著甜美的玉米,松鼠則在樹上採摘果實,失手掉了一顆在母雞的頭上,害牠心生恐慌,以為天就要掉下來了。於是牠帶著一群同伴去報告國王,然而國王沒找到,最後卻進了狐狸的肚子裏。 全書許多重覆的語句,配合押韻的文字,越念越有趣!

A classic nonsense folktale follows the journey of the scatterbrained Henny Penny and her friends Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey, and Turkey Lurkey, as they race to inform the king that the sky is falling.

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