Black Cat, Yellow Bunny | 拾書所

Black Cat, Yellow Bunny

$ 249 元 原價 315


黑貓先生一大早拔腿衝阿衝,卻眼睜睜看車子從眼前開走,趕不上車子的他,沮喪地坐在站牌等待椅上看書。旁邊坐著黃兔小姐,氣定神閒織毛衣。兩位陌生主角偶遇,一時間只有簡短的hi, hello禮貌性地招呼。一陣風吹過,毛線纏繞黑貓先生,於是兩位主角開始有了溫暖的交集。

This nearly wordless book shows the slowly developing friendship between a cat and a bunny who meet on a chance encounter in the park. Through small acts of kindness, they reveal the powerful effect this growing friendship has on their lives.

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