I Am Hua Mulan | 拾書所

I Am Hua Mulan

$ 332 元 原價 420


秦文君 《我是花木蘭》

女孩花木蘭從小跟著父親,耳濡目染,習得騎馬和防衛、攻擊的好本領。而後,國家陷入戰亂,急需作戰兵力,木蘭年邁的父親也被徵召。不忍心老父上戰場,木蘭決定男扮女裝 代替父親上沙場。木蘭在沙始終都沒被發現是女孩身,最後平安返回老家,與家人幸福團聚。


A girl retells the story of the legendary female warrior she admires, who long ago fought bravely to protect her people. Hua Mulan learned from her father to ride horses and fight with a spear. When her people were under attack, the army needed more men. To spare her ailing father, Mulan disguised herself as a man and rode off to war. Mulan's bravery and skills won her wide acclaim, but her true identity was never revealed. When the war ended, Mulan returned home to find her family safe and happy.

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