活用空中美語, 十一月 | 拾書所

活用空中美語, 十一月

$ 216 元 原價 240
4U 2023/11 封面故事: Why Birds Fly into Windows, and What We Can Do to Help 窗戶下的亡魂:鳥類窗殺 Unit 01 How Teachers from Rural Schools Are Getting Help to Teach Kids 打破藩籬 一起來認識偏鄉教育吧! Unit 02 Starting Strong: Why Not Join a Gym? 踏入健身房 開啟鍛鍊之旅! Unit 03 Hungry on the TRA? Just Buy a Bento Box! 將文化塞入盒中 鐵路便當的過去與現在 Unit 04 Garden Eels: The Sea’s Secret Dancers 搖頭晃腦的療癒生物 ── 花園鰻 Unit 05 Japan’s Special Vending Machine Culture 自動販賣機王國 ── 日本自動販賣機的驚人魅力! Unit 06 Be My Eyes: The App That Lets You See for Others Be My Eyes 搭建視障者與世界的橋樑 Unit 07 Entering the Wonderful Worlds of AR and VR 探秘AR與VR 點燃你的想像力! Unit 08 Why Birds Fly into Windows, and What We Can Do to Help 窗戶下的亡魂:鳥類窗殺 Unit 09 Treasure, Ships, and Fighting: The Story of Blackbeard 歷史上真正的海賊王 ── 黑鬍子愛德華 Unit 10 Feeling Lonely? It Might Be More Serious than You Think 覺得孤獨嗎?注意身體發出的求救訊號 Unit 11 How the Black Box Has Made Air Travel Safer 解碼黑盒子 ── 了解飛機上的「黑」科技! Unit 12 Kush Is the Ancient Kingdom You’ve Likely Never Heard Of 北非版「失落的帝國」 ── 庫施王國的歷史 Unit 13 Taipei MRT Responds to Tourism Trends with New Language Services 優化捷運體驗 北捷增加韓語和日語廣播 Unit 14 A Breakthrough in Allergy Medicine: Taiwan’s First Vaccine Patch against Little Black Mosquito 臺中榮總研發出小黑蚊(臺灣鋏蠓)疫苗貼片

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